About Us
The purpose of the Foundation is to provide a mechanism for people of goodwill interested in the Viroqua area to make donations for the improvement of quality of life within the area for present and future generations.
Mission Statement
Our mission is to encourage and promote worthwhile charitable enterprise in and around the Viroqua area.
Donated funds are dedicated to worthwhile endeavors in the greater Viroqua area.
Responsibly solicit, manage and distribute philanthropic assets created by
charitable gifts and bequests.
Communicate opportunities and benefits of philanthropy to communities served.
Demonstrate leadership and act as a catalyst to design programs and identify issues in collaboration with other foundations, corporations, organizations, communities and individuals.
Engage in creative and sensitive grant making to enrich communities served.
About Philanthropy
Philanthropy not only facilitates change; the vital role of philanthropy is to lead change. By creating a fund with the Viroqua Area Foundation, you invest in your community’s future and create positive change in our area. Your gift will improve our community throughout your lifetime and continue improving our community for future generations. All of the accomplishments of the Viroqua Area Foundation are due to the generosity of our partners, friends and supporters.
As a Community foundation, we provide a simple, powerful and highly personal approach to giving. We offer a variety of giving tools to help people achieve their charitable goals. The Viroqua Area Foundation has been involved in the following areas of giving: McIntosh Memorial Library, Eckhart Enchantment Playground, Viroqua Community Arena, Restoration of the Temple Theatre, Royce Jones Memorial Garden, the Viroqua School and Community Sports Facility, Skate Park and multiple scholarship funds. The broad scope of our mission opens many avenues for giving.
You can make a gift of cash, stocks, bonds, real estate, gift annuities, pooled income funds, charitable remainder trust or other assets to the Viroqua Area Foundation. Most charitable gifts qualify for maximum tax advantage under federal law.
Reasons People Choose to Give Through Our Foundation
We are a local organization that wants to improve our area.
Our board members have expertise regarding community issues and needs.
We provide highly personalized service tailored to each individual’s charitable and financial interests.
Our funds help people invest in the causes they care about most.
We accept a wide variety of assets and can facilitate even the most complex forms of giving.
We partner with professional advisors to create highly effective approaches to charitable giving.
We offer maximum tax advantage for most gifts under federal law.
We multiply the impact of gift dollars by pooling them with other gifts and grants.
We build endowment funds that benefit the community forever and help create personal legacies.
We are a community organization, convening agencies and coordinating resources to create positive change.
Area We Serve
We support Viroqua and the Vernon County Area of Southwest Wisconsin:
The Viroqua Area Foundation was established in 1988 by a group of local citizens to provide an avenue for charitable giving in our area. The Lion’s Club and a group of local citizens of Vernon County proposed the creation of the VAF Trust Fund. Prior to 1988, anyone wishing to make a gift to the community of Viroqua or surrounding areas, either outright or in his/her will, had no organization that could accept these contributions.
Board of Directors
The Viroqua Area Foundation is lead by a Board of Directors, consisting of 11 members serving staggered 3 year terms. The current board members are:
President: George Hopkins
Hopkins & Hopkins, Attorney
220 Fairview Drive
Viroqua, WI 54665
(608) 606-4766
Treasurer: Sandra Malliet
School Business Manager
E8966 N. Lyster Ln.
Readstown, WI 54652
(608) 629-5447
(608) 606-0589
Secretary: Angie Lawrence
Fundraising Coordinator
E8869 Apple Ln.
Viroqua, WI 54665
(608) 778-7199
Mark Brueggen
Retired Business Owner
513 Zahn Court
Viroqua, WI 54665
(608) 637-2774
(608) 606-2167
R. Paul Buhr
Board Member-Retired Farmer
S4166 Orchard
Viroqua, WI 54665
(608) 606-3480
Angie Dahl
Vernon Memorial Healthcare Clinic Administrator
640 S. Washington
Viroqua, WI 54665
(608) 606-4029
Janie Felton
Business Development Manager,
Sleepy Hollow Auto Group
Co-Owner Soil to Sky Tree Care
S6233 County Road J
Viroqua, WI 54665
(608) 606-0763
Roger Hanson
Retired Laboratory Manager
S5588A County Rd. NN
Viroqua, WI 54665
(608) 963-1543
Shawna McDowell
Conservation Warden-DNR
1320 Bad Axe Court
Viroqua, WI 54665
(608) 606-9864
Susan Noble
Vernon Economic Development Association, Executive Director
1201 North Main Street, Suite 6
Viroqua, WI 54665
(608) 638-8332 office
(608) 642-0034
Tom Weston
Citizens First Bank, Executive Vice-President
101 S. Main St.
P.O. Box 471
Viroqua, WI 54665
(608) 632-3967
The VAF also has an Executive Committee (officers) and three standing committees: the Finance Committee, the Policy, Procedures and Development Committee and the Scholarship Committee.
The Viroqua Area Foundation has been designated a 501 (c) (3) public charity by the Internal Revenue Service and contributions are tax deductible as provided by law.
Our Commitment to Our Local Community
The Viroqua Area Foundation provides a simple, powerful and highly personal approach to giving. We help individuals and businesses achieve their charitable goals of investing in “quality-of-life” improvements for present and future generations within our community.
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